Disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth (P05-P08) accounted for 23.5% (601) of all 2012 perinatal deaths, a decrease from 27.7% (707) in 2011.
Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99) accounted for 21.4% (548) in 2012, compared to 21.7% (554) in 2011.
Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific to the perinatal period (P20-P29) accounted for 5.8% of perinatal deaths in 2012 (149), down from 6.7% in 2011 (172).
In 2012, more than a third (1000) of all perinatal deaths were assigned a non-specific cause of death in the fetus/infant (Fetal death of unspecified cause (P95), and Other conditions originating in the perinatal period (P96)). Most of these were fetal deaths, representing 968 of the 1,000 perinatal deaths assigned a non-specific cause of death. While 52.8% of all fetal deaths registered in 2012 reported no specific cause, the corresponding figure for neonatal deaths was 4.4%.
7.3 Perinatal deaths(a), Number of deaths by main condition in the fetus/infant and sex(b) - Selected years(c)(d) |
 |  | 2003 | 2010(d) | 2011(d)(e) | 2012(d) |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Cause of death and ICD-10 code | Males(b) | Female | Persons | Males(b) | Female | Persons | Males(b) | Female | Persons | Males(b) | Female | Persons |
Total Deaths | 1 354 | 1 126 | 2 480 | 1 446 | 1 163 | 2 609 | 1 380 | 1 173 | 2 553 | 1 355 | 1 203 | 2 558 |
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96) | 1 039 | 864 | 1 903 | 1 136 | 923 | 2 059 | 1 060 | 885 | 1 945 | 1 035 | 918 | 1 953 |
 | Disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth (P05-P08) | 216 | 187 | 403 | 432 | 321 | 753 | 391 | 316 | 707 | 317 | 284 | 601 |
 | Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific to the perinatal period (P20-P29) | 182 | 193 | 375 | 110 | 71 | 181 | 94 | 78 | 172 | 83 | 66 | 149 |
 | Other disorders originating in the perinatal period (P90-P96) | 492 | 396 | 888 | 500 | 461 | 961 | 471 | 413 | 884 | 556 | 485 | 1 041 |
 | Fetal death of unspecified cause (P95) | 194 | 168 | 362 | 458 | 420 | 878 | 416 | 357 | 773 | 503 | 449 | 952 |
 | Other conditions originating in the perinatal period (P96 ) | 294 | 226 | 520 | 20 | 21 | 41 | 23 | 29 | 52 | 30 | 18 | 48 |
Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99) | 287 | 231 | 518 | 278 | 232 | 510 | 294 | 260 | 554 | 285 | 263 | 548 |
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99) | 8 | 9 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 9 | 13 | 11 | 5 | 16 |
(a) Perinatal deaths are all fetal deaths (at least 20 weeks' gestation or at least 400 grams birth weight) plus all neonatal deaths (death of a live born baby within 28 days of birth). See Glossary for further information. |
(b) Male deaths include those perinatal deaths where the fetus/infant was of indeterminate sex. |
(c) Data cells with small values have been randomly assigned to protect the confidentiality of individuals. As a result, some totals will not equal the sum of their components. Cells with a zero value have not been affected by confidentialisation. |
(d) All causes of death data from 2006 onward are subject to a revisions process - once data for a reference year are 'final', they are no longer revised. Affected data in this table are: 2010 (final), 2011 (revised), 2012 (preliminary). See Explanatory Notes 29-33 and Technical Notes, Causes of Death Revisions, 2006 in Causes of Death, Australia, 2010 and Causes of Death Revisions, 2010 and 2011 in this publication.
(e) The published neonatal count in this table differs from that previously published for 2011. See Explanatory Note 99 for further details. |